Modul H - According to directive 2014/68/EU - Modul H- Full quality assurance-Design and manufacturing of pressure vessels and piping
Modul H1 - According to directive 2014/68/EU - Full quality assurance with design examination-Design and manufacturing of pressure vessels and piping
Modul B directive 2014/68/EU-Description of production type: Reservoir 40L, 50L, 75L, 200L
Modul C2 directive 2014/68/EU-Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised pressure equipment checks at random intervals
EN ISO3834-2- Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements
EN15085-2- Railway applications - Welding of railway vehicles and components - Part 2: Quality requirements and certificarion of welding manufacturer
Adhesive bonding of railway vehicles and parts, according to EN17460-2022, class of bonded joints A3
ASME USTAMP - ASME Code Sec. VIII div.1- Manufacture of pressure vessels at the above location only, ASME Code Sec. VIII div.1
QMS: ISO 9001- Quality management systems
EMS: ISO 14001 - Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use
ISO 45001 - Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements
Certificate DNV- Manufacture of Welded Pressure Vessels, Class I & II